Sunday, 29 April 2012

Preliminary Evaluation

Our group decided to answer the evaluation questions as pairs and some of us. So we split up and discussed the questions and what we did to conform to the genre, the feedback we received and how we listened to this. In addition we explored how we used planning and research to help us, as well as the technologies we used throughout our coursework.

This helped us to indivually go to  make our answer to the evalution questions

The first video which I edited featuring Radhika, anwering the first question of the evaltuation on how we challenged or conformed to the Indie genre.

My answer to question 2 in the video below I talk about the how effective is our final digipak in combination with main product our music video.

Radhika and Hannah discussed what we learnt from the audience feedback and how we changed our video, from some of the improvements suggested.

In the last video features Mark and Hannah disscussing some of the media tecehnologies that we used in the construction, research, planing and evaluation of final product. The software used to edit our for instance w using Final Cut Pro which mark wasnt to fammilar with but recognised some of the various effects that were used in music video.

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