Wednesday 19 October 2011

What is we-media?

This is the first I had come across the terminology “We media”, so in order to gain a better understanding; I looked into it more through research. I will proceed to illustrate through my short essay, what I think the meaning behind “We media” is, and its relevance to today’s media consumers.
In a nut shell ‘We media’ looks at how audiences are shaping media platforms such as, Print, Broadcasting, and E-media, in its future of news and information.
In today’s media industry, there is an increasing desire for information in media through the use of technology. Today’s society receives information in three ways.
The first is that people are gullible and will read, listen to, or watch just about anything. The second is that most people require an informed ‘intermediary’ to tell them what is good, important or meaningful. The third, is that people are smart, and will want to figure it out themselves, by finding their ‘own version of the truth’ and come to their own conclusion.
I consider “We Media” as a way to begin to understand how ordinary citizens, empowered by digital technologies, connected through knowledge around the globe, are contributing to, and participating in their own truths; to their own kind of news.
We are free to select our own media topics through the use of blogs, social networks, and other web related forums such as, YouTube.   This is evident as there is active participation of being a media consumer into their own media producers. I think that We Media reveals something about society and the way people learn from each other.
Over the past two centuries we have seen a dark side to We media. It feels like a new era has been thrust upon us, an era of ‘enlightened anxiety’. We now know more than ever before, but our knowledge creates anxiety over harsh truths and puzzling paradoxes.
The fact is, the media has a huge influence on the way we interact, in the way we live, work, shop, play, engage, collaborate and network.  I have learned that We media sheds light on the access to advanced technologies,  presents a powerful vision for the reshaping of media information, and news is conducted and received amongst audiences; for media consumers two centuries ago in comparison to today’s media cultured society.

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